Chapter 2: Introduction to HTML Part 1

CS 80: Internet Programming

Instructor: Mark Edmonds


  • What does it stand for?
    • Hypertext markup language
  • What is a markup language?
    • Not a traditional programming language
    • Specifies the structure and content of documents

Editing HTML

  • All you need is a text editor and a web browser
  • Text editors
    • Brackets (recommended), Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Notepad++, TextEdit, Vim (!), etc
    • Anything will do, but don't use Microsoft Word (technically you can do this but it will make for a painful semester and you will almost certainly get points off)

Editing HTML

  • Web browsers
    • Chrome, firefox, IE, etc
    • For this course, firefox seems to be the most agreeable
      • There is one assignment with Ajax that only works with firefox

HTML Concepts

  • Documents are composed of HTML5 tags
  • These tags outline this structure and content of a webpage
  • Tag format:
    • <tag> begins the tag
    • </tag> closes the tag

HTML Concepts

  • Most tags have a beginning and an end
    • Exceptions: <meta> (specifies document metadata, <img> tag (adds an image to the page), there are others we will come across
    • We call tags without an ending void elements because they do not markup text (text is not placed between a start and an end tag).

HTML Concepts

  • Tags can be nested e.g. there is a tag inside of another tag before the outer tag's closing tag
  • Attributes: content inside of a tag that specifies information about this particular use of the tag
  • We will see an example in a moment
  • Elements: the portions of a HTML document
    • The beginning to closing of a tag form an element
    • e.g. <tag> content </tag> is an element

Example: hello_world.html

  • Tip: try clicking the link above! This will load the example in your browser.
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- document type declaration. required. must be on first line -->

        <!-- starts the html document, the root of the document's structure. required. -->

        <!-- starts the head section of the document, provides info but usually not content. required. -->
          <!-- metadata tag, here we specify the character encoding of the document. required. -->
          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <!-- specify the title of the document (what is displayed in the browser tab). required. -->
          <title>Hello world!</title>
        <!-- end of head section. required. -->

        <!-- document body. the content goes here! required. -->
          <!-- simple paragraph (the p-tag) -->
          <p>Welcome to HTML5!</p>
        <!-- end of body section. required. -->

        <!-- ends the html document. required. -->

HTML5 Validation


  • Heading elements designate a level of importance for a topic on a page
  • Headings range from <h1> to <h6>
    • The lower the number, the greater importance
    • <h1> is the "most" important

Example: headings.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">

          <h1>Level 1 Heading</h1>
          <h2>Level 2 heading</h2>
          <h3>Level 3 heading</h3>
          <h4>Level 4 heading</h4>
          <h5>Level 5 heading</h5>
          <h6>Level 6 heading</h6>


Example: linking.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">

          <h1>Welcome to CS 80 at SMC</h1>

          <p>Hope you enjoy; make sure to <strong>turn in assignments on time</strong></p>

          <p><a href="">SMC</a></p>
          <p><a href="">eCompanion</a></p>
          <p><a href="">Email me</a></p>



  • Added to HTML using the <img> tag
  • <img> tag is one of the tags without an ending </img>
  • The src attribute specifies where the image is located
    • The location can be a relative path (e.g. stored on the same computer as the html document)
    • The location can be a remote path (e.g. an image stored on a different host)


  • Must use an alt attribute, it is allows for two important usages:
    • For those with poor or no eyesight to still understand the content on the page. A text-to-speech program can read the alt description to a visually impaired person.
    • If the image fails to load (maybe it's an external image), the alt can still describe what the image is
    • The alt description should be as brief as possible while still being descriptive


  • Common attributes used: specifying height and width'
    • Height and width are both measured in pixels
    • If there are no height and width are specified, image will be rendered at it's own size (the original image size)
  • Images can be nested inside of a link tag (<a>) to create an image that is also a hyperlink

Example: images.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">

          <h3>Every common image type is supported</h3>

          <p><strong>Note: alt is a required attribute</strong></p>
          <!-- relative path -->
          <img src="./camel.png" alt="a camel" >
          <!-- remote paths -->
          <img src="" alt="The woes of programming" >
          <img src="" alt="The woes of programming" >

          <h3>We can control the width and height as well</h3>

          <img src="" alt="Hacking in progress" height="200" width="350">

          <h2>We can make our images links as well!</h2>

          <a href="">
            <img src="" alt="The google logo."/>


Special Characters

  • HTML itself uses certain characters to represent the structure of the document
    • These symbols have special meaning within the document itself
    • What are some examples?
      • How are tags wrapped?
        • Around < and >

Special Characters

  • Clearly, we still want to be able to include these tags in an HTML document.
  • Solution: We have to use a special convention to include these restricted characters
  • These special conventions are called character entity references
    • The basic format: &ref;
      • Where ref is a reference to the character you wish to insert

Special Characters

Example: char.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Special characters and horizontal rules</title>

            <!-- use some special characters --> 
            We &amp;amp; can &lt; add &copy; symbols &trade; whereever &hellip; we &quot; want &gt; in &mdash; our &ndash; docment
            It's best practice to avoid the &lt;hr&gt; tag now because we can do styling with CSS, producing more professional looking and easier to maintain websites 
            We can also strike through <del>text</del>, subscript <sub>text</sub>, or superscript <sup>text</sup>.




  • Two types of lists:
    • Unordered list and ordered list
  • Unordered list (bulleted list; like this list)
    • ul tag starts an unordered list (ul stands for unordered list)
    • Each list item is a nested li tag (li stands for list element)


  • Ordered list (numbered list)
    • ol tag starts an ordered list
    • each list item is a nested li tag
  • We can also make lists inside of lists (nested lists)
    • Just like your word processor
    • Bullets of an unordered list will change based on the nesting level

Example: lists.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

          <meta charset="utf-8">

          <h2>We can make unordered and ordered lists!</h2>

            This is an unordered list
            <li>this item has no order</li>
            <li>neither does this one</li>
            <li>this is not an exciting list</li>

            This is an ordered list with reasons why this course is good
            <li>Computer science is a great field</li>
            <li>The course is fun!</li>
            <li>The tests are take home</li>

            We can nest lists too
            <li>Computer science is a great field
                <li>It's fun</li>
                <li>There are a lot of jobs</li>
                <li>It makes you think</li>
            <li>The course is fun!
                <li>You get to explore an entire subfield in one semester
                    <li>Can be the starting point for a career</li>
            <li>The tests are take home
                A nest
                    Another nest
                      <li>Nests on nests</li>



Line Breaks

  • <br> tag - a line break


  • Similar to a textbook table or excel spreadsheet (except without math functions)
  • Started with the table tag
  • The nested caption tag gives the table a title and summarizes the table's content


Table Bodies, Headers, and Footers

  • <thead> and <tfoot> specify the header and footer of the table, respectively
    • Maybe you want different styling for the header and footer using CSS
    • Again, we'll cover that later


Table Bodies, Headers, and Footers

  • <tbody> specifies the main body portion of the table
  • <thead> and <tfoot> have the same internal structure


Table Rows

  • <tbody>, <thead>, and <tfoot> is comprised of at least one <tr> element, which is a table row
    • Note that no table requires all three, but you should use them appropriately
  • If your table has a header, put the header, etc.
  • Makes table maintenance easier later


Table Rows

  • Each <tr> tag is comprised of <th> tags, which is a header cell. It is different from the normal cell!
    • It is different to allow easier styling using CSS
    • The table fills left to right along the columns
  • Repeat this <tr> and <th> pattern for each row, and each column you want to specify
  • <tfoot> can be below or above


Table Rows

  • <tbody> follows the same convention, but uses a <td> element instead of <th>
  • td stands for 'table data'


Table Sizing

  • By default, each table column is only as wide as its largest cell.
  • rowspan and colspan
  • These attributes allows a cell to span multiple rows or columns
    • This is like merging rows/columns in a document


Table Sizing

  • rowspan allows a single table cell to span the width of more than one cell or row
  • colspan allows a single table cell to span the width of more than one cell or column
  • These attributes can be applied in <th> and <td> elements

Example: tables.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 2.12: table1.html -->
        <!-- Creating a basic table. -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">


          <h2>Here's a simple table example</h2>

          <h3>Notice the table scales to the widest cell's content (and not the caption's)</h3>

          <!-- the <table> tag opens a table -->
          <!-- Reminder: the border element should not be used. We are using it here before we learn CSS -->
          <table border="1">
            <!-- the <caption> tag summarizes the table's -->
            <!-- contents (this helps visually impaired people) -->
            <caption><strong>Table of Fruits (1st column) and Their Prices (2nd column)</strong></caption>
            <!-- the <thead> section appears first in the table -->
            <!-- it formats the table header area -->
                <!-- <tr> inserts a table row -->
                <!-- insert a heading cell -->
            <!-- the <tfoot> section appears last in the table -->
            <!-- it formats the table footer -->
            <!-- within the <tbody> -->
                <!-- insert a data cell -->

          <!-- <br> is a line break -->

          <h2>We can make more complicated tables using rowspan and colspan</h2>
          <!-- Reminder: the border element should not be used. We are using it here before we learn CSS -->
          <table border="1">
            <caption>A more complex sample table</caption>
              <!-- rowspans and colspans merge the specified -->
              <!-- number of cells vertically or horizontally -->
                <!-- merge two rows -->
                <th rowspan="2">
                  <img src="camel.png" width="205" height="167" alt="Picture of a camel">
                <!-- merge four columns -->
                <th colspan="4">
                  <strong>Camelid comparison</strong><br> Approximate as of 10/2011
                <th># of humps</th>
                <th>Indigenous region</th>
                <th>Produces wool?</th>
                <td>Camels (bactrian)</td>
                <td>Andes Mountains</td>



  • Mechanism for the user to send data to the server from the client
  • The user types in the data, then hits 'submit' the submit triggers a
  • HTTP request to the server to accept the form
    • The receiving end will be covered in Chapter 17
  • Forms use the <form> tag


Important <form> attributes

  • These setup the form and specify how and where to send data to the server
  • method attribute can be two values:
    • get
    • post


Important <form> attributes

  • get
    • Appends form data to url in name/value pairs
    • Length of URL is limited (~3000 characters limit)
    • Never use this to send sensitive data
    • Best suited for things like a query or other non-secure data (you can bookmark the url to effectively save the form submission)


Important <form> attributes

  • post
    • Appends form data to HTTP request
    • Has no size limitations
    • Cannot be bookmarked (since it does not modify the URL)


Important <form> attributes

  • action
    • Specifies where to send the form data (e.g. what site should process the form)
    • Must be a valid URL
    • The server should know how to respond to the form submission



  • Once we have the form setup, we can add inputs
  • Inputs are added using the <input> tag


Important <input> attributes

  • type
    • Controls the type of the input; a lot of options available
    • Options include: text, button, color, password, radio, range, reset, submit, etc. with more available online


Important <input> attributes

  • type
    • hidden is a special type
      • It submits data to the server that is predetermined in the HTML page
      • The user cannot control this input
      • Might be used for sending information to another server to identify where the form is coming from


Important <input> attributes

  • type
    • text has a couple of special attributes: size - specifies the size of the text box and maxlength which specifies the maximum length of the input


Important <input> attributes

  • name
    • Gives the input a name that can be referenced once the server receives the submission
    • This is part of the glue between the client and the server that processes the form


Important <input> attributes

  • value
    • Gives the input an initial value


  • Please lookup these elements in your book or online:
    • textarea - multiline text input, has rows and cols attributes
    • password - provides a password-protected field. this is only visually enforced (displays a * instead of the text), the password still should be encrypted when sent over HTTP
    • color - allows color input
    • number - allows user to input a number, similar to a text but for numbers


  • Please lookup these elements in your book or online:
    • range - allows user to pick between a range of values
    • checkbox - allows user to tick multiple options
    • radio - allows user to pick one option from a list
    • They all follow a similar pattern, but familiarize yourself!
  • <select> tag presents a dropdown menu with a preselected list of options

Example: forms.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <!-- Fig. 2.14: form.html -->
        <!-- Form with a text field and hidden fields. -->

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Feedback Form</title>

          <h1>Feedback Form</h1>
          <p>Please fill out this form to help us improve our site.</p>
          <!-- this tag starts the the form, gives the -->
          <!-- method of sending information and the -->
          <!-- location of the form-processing script -->
          <form method="post" action="">
            <!-- hidden inputs contain non-visual -->
            <!-- information that will also be submitted -->
            <input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="">
            <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Feedback Form">
            <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="main.html">
            <!-- <input type = "text"> inserts a text field -->
                <input name = "name" type = "text" size = "25" maxlength = "30">

                <textarea name = "comments" rows = "4" cols = "36">Enter comments here.</textarea>
              <!-- input types "submit" and "reset" insert -->
              <!-- buttons for submitting and clearing the -->
              <!-- form's contents, respectively -->
              <input type="submit" value="Submit">
              <input type="reset" value="Clear">



Internal Linking

  • Mechanism to jump between locations in a single document without reloading the HTML page
  • Basic idea: we uniquely mark elements in the document using the id attribute, then we refer to the corresponding id in an anchor (a link, the a tag)
  • The link tag can reference a specific tag in a different HTML document, even on a different host

Example: internal_linking.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Fig. 2.16: internal.html -->
        <!-- Internal Linking -->
          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <title>Internal Linking</title>

          <!-- id attribute creates an internal hyperlink destination -->
          <h1 id="features">The Best Features of the Internet</h1>
          <!-- an internal link's address is "#id" -->
          <p><a href="#bugs">Go to <em>Favorite Bugs</em></a></p>
            <li>You can meet people from countries around the world.</li>
            <li>You have access to new media as it becomes public:
                <li>New games</li>
                <li>New applications
                    <li>For Business</li>
                    <li>For Pleasure</li>
                <li>Around the clock news</li>
                <li>Search Engines</li>
                    <li>Dynamic HTML</li>
                    <li>New languages</li>
            <li>Keeping in touch with old friends</li>
            <li>It is the technology of the future!</li>

          <br><br><br><br><p>Skipping a whole bunch of space where you would put amazing web content</p><br><br><br><br>
          <p>Skipping a whole bunch of space where you would put amazing web content</p><br><br><br><br>
          <p>Skipping a whole bunch of space where you would put amazing web content</p><br><br><br><br>
          <p>Skipping a whole bunch of space where you would put amazing web content</p><br><br><br><br>
          <p>Skipping a whole bunch of space where you would put amazing web content</p><br><br><br><br>

          <!-- id attribute creates an internal hyperlink destination -->
          <h1 id="bugs">My 3 Favorite Bugs</h1>
            <!-- internal hyperlink to features -->
            <a href="#features">Go to <em>Favorite Features</em></a>
            <li>Fire Fly</li>
            <li>Gal Ant</li>
            <li>Roman Tic</li>

          <h1>We can even reference an id in a different HTML document on a different host</h1>
            <a href=""></a>
            <a href="#">Top</a>

